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Water flood sensor in the form of a sensor cable

Water flood sensor in the form of a sensor cable

A failure of the sanitary system, sewage system, a leak in a hot or cold water pipe or central heating system can completely destroy industrial facilities, server rooms or other business-critical facilities. That is why the nVent RAYCHEM TraceTek water leak detection system, which is based on sensor wires, is increasingly being used in such places. How do sensor wires work and why are they so effective in detecting water leaks?
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Water flood sensor, sensor wire or point sensor?

Water flood sensor, sensor wire or point sensor?

Water leak detection systems are becoming increasingly popular, as they noticeably minimize the damage and costs caused by the failure of sanitary or air conditioning systems. It is worth noting that in such systems there is a twofold way of detecting such leaks - through sensor wires, as well as using point sensors.
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Fuel leak detection | How it's working?

Fuel leak detection | How it's working?

A potential fuel spill is not only a potential source of loss for the company, but more importantly a serious threat to the environment. A large stain of flammable gasoline can also be dangerous for employees. To avoid such a potential problem, it is worthwhile to protect all tanks, pipelines and other important points (such as valves) with a leak detection system.
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Wired water sensors in drip trays

Wired water sensors in drip trays

We have fabricated stainless steel drip trays that have been mounted under the ceiling in critical areas where water can enter from a leaking ceiling. The drip trays were equipped with TraceTek TT1000 wired sensors that detect water along their entire length.
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Detection of leaks from fuel transport pipelines

Detection of leaks from fuel transport pipelines

The nVent RAYCHEM TraceTek TT5000 sensor cable installed at the bottom of a concrete channel containing pipelines distributing diesel fuel from an external aboveground storage tank. This provides early warning of a small fuel leak before it becomes an environmental or safety hazard.
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